Monday, May 19, 2008

Not ready to make nice

So now they're supposed to be nice to us.

Fuck that.

1 comment:

writeinclinton said...

The major news media write these days again and again that Barack Hussein should win over female vote of Hillary's supporters, see ABC for example. Hmm, I am not a female (sure!) wont vote for Obama-baby or McCain (again sure!) so ABC and thel ikes have counted me out. BUT NEVER COUNT OUT A CLINTON! You will see she will become a President next January. That's the point. In the meantime Barack can continue to inhale until the year 2016 and John to distance himself away from Bush until he founds himself in his Arizonian house.

Yes, I will write-in Hillary no matter what the ballot will look like on the Election day. Go on, Hillary!