Silly me. I didn't realize that progressive folk have to choose between an accomplished politician, feminist, human rights activist...
...and a infantile, self-absorbed, entitled, passive-aggressive, condescending tool*.

As a former two-term President of my 8th grade class**, I can attest that there wasn't this much crap going on at that level. Our teacher would have opened an industrial sized can of whoop ass if we even hinted at pulling that kind of tactic. But then again, most 8th graders have bigger balls, and fewer hang-ups, than this guy.
* His apparent "prank" is too juvenile even to stereotype it as frat boy humor. Shout out to progressive, enlightened, profeminist fraternity brothers everywhere.
** That doesn't mean I repeated 8th grade. We had an election every quarter or trimester or every report card period.
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