Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This month's winner...

of the Madeleine-Albright's-Special-Place-In-Hell-For-Self-Loathing-Misogynist-Women Award is...

Kellyanne Conway.

First, our gal Kellyanne goes for the "back of the bus" metaphor, and fails miserably. Yet more recently, Kellyanne goes for the "Hillary as the chief white woman in this country" commentary. 

In both cases in seems like she is either...

(1) campaigning for Obama ("if you don't want him to win, you must be a racist"),


(2) assuming Clinton is the presumptive nominee and is trying to get anti-racist voters to choose McCain ("because Hillary is such a racist").

(1) means Kellyanne is *really* bad at her "job." (2) means the conservatives behind/above Kellyanne are desperately clueless (and racist), and Kellyanne is still really bad at her job.

Is it just me, or do you feel kind of bad for Kellyanne? It's like she's playing Jan Brady to Ann Coulter's Marcia Marcia Marcia.

For those of you already committed to going to hell, enjoy some commentary on Ann Coulter by Kathy Griffin:

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