If Senator Clinton was foolish enough as to take one of her policy positions paper for one state and pass it off for another, then Arianna Huffington, Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann would simultaneously have multiple orgasms while their heads exploded.
When Senator Obama does it, no one seems to notice or care.
Change we can believe in, my ass. I didn't know he meant "Change the word 'Pennsylvania' to 'Oregon'."** There are probably a lot of bitter folk in Oregon, anyway, so they don't count.

What's funny (offensive, really) is that the Obama campaign even fails miserably at trying to scam voters. Apparently the folks in "the movement" don't know the difference between "REPLACE" and "REPLACE ALL" when doctoring their own documents.
Oh yeah, and the Great Lakes are nowhere near Oregon.
What. The. Fuck.*
*I find myself cursing more and more these days. I blame Barack Obama.
**UPDATE: Surprise, surprise! The "Change Oregon Can Believe In" paper was unexpectedly removed from the Obama campaign web site. Good thing I downloaded it ahead of time.
1 comment:
Know how you feel, been cursing too. Glad you brought this up. I thought the SAME thing, ie, imagine the White House being run that way. Can just see them now "shit, go grab a map, where are those Great Lakes, anyway?!"
Think you'll like this piece on "The Brains behind Barama".
Reveals some little known but potent info on the idiot candidate's wife/power behind his throne. Go to:
Appreciate if you add this site to your list of links.
(Also contains link to Petition/Protest to traitor Joe Andrews, SuperD.)
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